Speaking at the opening, Michael Sheen, said: “I was delighted to be at the opening of the exhibition and back in the city of my birth. It is an honour to be associated with the exhibition as the Chartists are one of the most important political movements of our times.
“It is obvious to see the hardwork and enthusiasm that has gone into the exhibition which aims to make Chartism relevant today.”
The exhibition is now open to the public and will display the historically significant collection of items related to the Chartist movement in Newport. On display will be images, weapons, newspapers, silver and documents from the time of the Chartist protest in 1839.
Cabinet member for Leisure and Continuing Learning, Councillor Mike Hamilton, said: “I am delighted that actor Michael Sheen found time in his busy schedule to open the new Chartist exhibition. The Chartist protest is a significant date in Newport’s history and this new exhibition is great for the city.”
In 1839 the Chartists marched to fight for the rights of the ordinary working people and the display aims to make Chartism relevant today and question peoples’ beliefs about democracy and the vote. This new exhibition is people-focused, thought-provoking and is a multi media exhibition which tells the story of this nationally important event in Newport’s history.
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