His story apparently ends some time in 1852, when former
comrades inquiring about unpaid subscriptions to the Star of Freedom newspaper
discovered that he had fled to Australia leaving his wife behind in London.
More recent research using census and BMD (birth, marriage,
death) entries suggests that Bezer actually put in a reappearance in London
during the 1850s before disappearing from the official record once again some
time after 1862.
More surprisingly, in investigating Bezer’s life for the
excellent Minor Victorian Poets website, David Shaw has uncovered a whole
second chapter to the former Chartist’s life story.
may have returned temporarily to England, but this had not, it appears,
deterred him from marrying for a second time in Australia
(apparently while his wife in England was still very much alive) before
finally settling
there under the name John Bezer Drew and raising a second family.
While the Bezer family lived on in London, the Bezer Drews
eventually settled in Melbourne, where, David Shaw’s research shows, John
resumed his political interests. The picture here shows John some time around
1854, the year in which he married for a second time.
In 1872, Bezer was a member of the Democratic Association of
Victoria, and a committee member of the Melbourne Eclectic Association.
In 1874, he became a member of the Constitutional Reform League, as well as a
member of the Workingmen's Political Association.
The full two-part story of John James Bezer’s life in
England and John Bezer Drew’s life in Australia make for fascinating reading.
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