Thursday, 18 April 2019

Chartism Day 2019 programe and registration

Chartism Day takes place in the Armstrong Building of Newcastle University on Saturday 1 June 2019. All are welcome, but please register by Friday 24 May.

Here are the programme and booking details.

Armstrong Building, Room 2.16, Newcastle University.

9-9.15am Registration
9.15-9.30 Introduction and welcome (Joan Allen and Richard Allen, Newcastle)
9.30-10.15 Tom Scrivener (Manchester) Chartism’s electoral strategy and the bifurcation of Radicalism
10.15-11.00 Joan Allen (Newcastle) Chartist trials, 1839: Revisited


11.30-12.15 Mike Greatbatch (Independent/WEA) William Parker: a Chartist life
12.15-1pm Joe Stanley (Sheffield Hallam) Protest and popular politics amongst the Yorkshire miners, 1786-1839


2-3pm Keynote lecture: Robert Poole (UCLAN) Peterloo and Chartism
3-3.45 Mark Bennett (Durham) Chartism’s legacy: the reform debate in Yorkshire, 1859-67
4.15-5pm Matt Roberts (Sheffield Hallam) The visual and material culture of Chartism

Sponsored with grateful thanks to School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University, and Society for the Study of Labour History



I would like to register as a delegate on the annual Chartism Day conference 2019

Name _____________________________________________________________

Institution (if applicable) ______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________


Email or Telephone ___________________________________________________

Signed _____________________________________________________________

Dated ______________________________________________________________

No registration fee. Light refreshments and lunch sponsored by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, Newcastle University.

You are required to book in advance so that food and light refreshments can be pre-ordered.

Please complete and email the form to or post it to
Dr Richard C Allen
School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Armstrong Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Registration deadline: Friday 24 May 2019

UK-based postgraduate students who wish to apply for assistance with modest expenses for travel costs should approach the Society for the Study of Labour History: Dr Quentin Outram.

For details and the application form and membership of SSLH see:
Postgraduate bursary